
Lab Nerve Reflexes Answer Key


i. What is a nervus pathway? A route past which nerve impulses travel thru the nervous system.

2. What is a monosynaptic reflex? A simple refle10 arc that consists of 2 neurons communicating via one southwardynapse

(monosynaptic translates to "one synapse") Ex: genu-wiggle refleten

3. In lodge, what are the 5 steps of a refleten arc?

a. Receptor – sense orgrandan

b. Afferent (sensory) pathway to CNS

c. Integration Center: interneurons/association neurons, if applicable)

d. Due eastfferent (motor) pathway – away from CNSouth

e. Effector – response in muscle or gland

4. What type of neurons conduct impulses along an efferent pathway? Motor

5. Which reflexes are non subject to conscious control? Autonomic

six. What's the effector in the photopupillary reflex arc? Smooth muscle in the iris

seven. Where along refle10 arc would you find interneurons (or association neurons?) Integration Center or CNS

8. Part of CNS helps maintown posture past integrating incoming sensory signals w/ outgoing motor signals?


9. What functions as the afferent pathway for the photopupillary reflex arc? The optic nerve (and tract)

10. Where are the visual reflex centers located? The superior colliculi of the midbrown

11. The name of refle10 hammer with the triangular shaped head and spoon handle? Taylors (percussion) hammer

12. How would you test the photopupillary refleten? By covering one eye and shining a light into the other. The

response is determined by observing the activity of the exposed iris.

13. What is a consensual response? Occurs when a reflex is observed on i side of the torso when the contrary

side is stimulated. Aka contralateral response.

14. The patellar reflex (genu-jerk) assesses what section of the spinal cord? L2-L4

15. Describe the normal programtar refleten. Toes face downward or curl - flex and move together

sixteen. Describe Babinski's sign. An abnormal plantar reflex in which the toes flareast out laterally and the big toe

dorsiflexes (in an upward direction)

17. What do you phone call a reflex that is observed on the aforementioned side of the trunk tlid has been southtimulated (but not

observed on the opposite side)? Ipsilateral

xviii. How would you test the patellar reflex? Sharply tap between the patella & tibial tuberosity with the base of a

Taylor's hammer. The response can be determined past observing the action of the tested articulatio genus.

19. Why is reflex testing an importemmet diagnostic tool in physical examinations? It assesses the condition of the

nervous southwardystem. Distorted, exaggerated, or absent refle10 responses may indicate degeneration or pathology of

portions of the nervous due southystem, frequentlyen before other signs are apparent. If the spinal cord is damaged, then refle10

tests can assistance determine the area of injury..

Ex: motor northwarderves above injured area may be unaffected, whereas motor fretfulness at or below the damaged area

may be unable to perform the usual refle10 activities.

Ex: Closed head injuries, such every bit haemorrhage in or around the brain, may exist diagnosed past refleten testing.

Remember that the oculomotor nerve stimulates the chiliaduscles in and around the eyes. If pressure increases in thdue east

cranium (like increase in blood volume due to brown bleeding), then the pressurdue east exerted on the nerve may cause

variations in the eye reflex responses.

Triceps Reflex: Tests Cseven, C8

Biceps Reflex: Tests C5, C6

Achilles Reflex: Tests S1

Patellar Reflex: Tests L2-L4

Lab Nerve Reflexes Answer Key,


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